One Final Word 2013

728x180, new years eve, NYE, appreciation, gratitude, appreciation, 2014, end, beginning, thought, rant, a final word

Hello Lovelies ,

as we are ready to start a new page and a new year, as a lot of people has resolutions and plans to start off the year

I would like to stop for a moment and appreciate the year that has passed upon us,

2013 was a turning point in my life, I founded my blog, which I have and planned to use as an outlet for my opinions and thoughts, sharing with you what I like and what I don’t,

the new experiences I have been through and the discoveries I have came across and hopefully the next year will bare much more interesting developments,

I came across really interesting people while some others weren’t , reunited with old friends and made new ones…

Thank you for everyone who has been supportive and everyone who showed their true colours in early stages of our encounter, every person is a lesson and every lesson is either to teach you how to develop in the future or to rely on.

I hope I made a change into someones life, I would like to thank all the people who showed support and believed in me and still do, family, friends, bloggers, total strangers who some of them became friends, while some others we have never met yet I bare a great deal of appreciation for their existence and their support.

I wish I could mention everyone by name but it is going to be a very long list

so THANK YOU all

and may this year bring prosperity to all of us.

Happy New Year



منتجات : العناية بالبشره

مرحبا قرائي

Boots UK

Boots UK (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

كرجال نحن نتعرض لعوامل جوية صعبة بسبب احتكاكنا الدائم بالعوامل و المؤثرات الخارجية

و بشرتنا تحتاج للاهتمام كأي شيئ اخر في حياتنا و حاليا اصبح الإهتمام واجب لأن الجميع يريد ان يبدوا بصحة افضل

و سأشارككم بمجموعة من المنتجات التي استعملتها شخصيا و اعجبتني

-Nº7  Men – Oil Control Face Wash  غسول الوجه للبشره الدهنية

بما اني اعاني من بشره دهنية فان هذا المنتج ناسبني ولكن

عند زيارة بوتس يمكنكم سؤال المختصين عن نوعية بشرتكم ، عموما هذا المنتج سهل الإستعمال فيمكنك استبدال الصابون العادي بهذا المنتج

-Nº7  Anti-Shine Lotion مرطب يمنع اللمعان

هذا المنتج يساعد على أبقاء المسامات نظيفة و يمنع الاوساخ من العوامل الجوية من الدخول

-Nº7 Cleansing Water المياه المنظف

هذا المنتج يساعد على تحليل اي بقايا من الاوساخ المترسبة على البشره

Boots Botanics Line بوتس بوتانكس 

هذه المجموعة مصنوعة من منتجات عشبية و استعمل منها

-Mattifying Toner موحد اللون

هذا المنتج يقوم بامتصاص بقايا الدهون و يمنع اللمعان

-Mattifying Mousse موس 

هذا المنتج يقوم بتنظيف و ازالة الترسبات الدهنية في المسام

-Mattifying Day Cream الكريم الصباحي

هذا المنتج به وقاية من الشمس اس بي اف ١٥ و يعمل على تقليل دخول الاوساخ من الجو العام على المسامات

حتى بشره الرجال تحتاج لعناية من الحياه اليومية حاليا و ان كان الوصول للمنتجات الان اسهل فلما لا؟

جميع المنتجات متوفره و حصرية لدى صيدليات بوتس

و يمكنم زيارة موقعهم الإلكتروني لمعرفة مواقع افرعهم


Products – Men Skin Care

Hello Readers,

Boots UK

Boots UK (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

as men we usually face a lot of harsh environmental factors, we spend more time outside we stress a lot and usually we need something to take care of our skin to look good always, it shouldn’t be something to do to look beautiful but to look healthy and maintain a good skin.

so I have been personally using,

-Nº7  Men – Oil Control Face Wash  

since I have an oily skin I bought this easy to use product which you substitute your usual soap when you wash your face with this product.

of course they have a wide range for different skin types, you just need to ask the specialist about your skin and they would give you the best to help you.

-Nº7  Anti-Shine Lotion

this one helps to hydrate your skin for 24 hours, yet at the same time keeps your pores clean and prevent the dirt from the environment to access without giving you a shine.

-Nº7 Cleansing Water 

this one helps to remove a dissolve any extra dirt remaining on the skin and tailored for your skin to behave naturally

I use it to complete my usual ritual.

Boots Botanics Line

they have the best plants based products for skin

and I personally use

-Mattifying Toner

this one clarifies and absorbs excess oil and as I said before since I have oily skin use it to keep the shine away.

-Mattifying Mousse

this one clarifies, cleanses and reduce the excess oil it is very good to keep a healthy clean skin

-Mattifying Day Cream

this one I use before going out, it has a SPF15 so it would help my skin from the sun yet at the same time give it that extra kick to prevent the dirt from staying on it.

Even men skin is delicate and needs some attention if you can take care of it, why not?

life is every changing and our daily routine is changing with it , pollution is spreading more than before try to stay healthy

all of those products are available at Boots who has so many branches in all over Kuwait,

personally I go to the ones at either, the Avenues , Marina Mall or Salem Al-Mubarak Street since those are the close ones to where I live

you can visit their website to know more about their locations around the world as well.


Look of the Day : 67 : المظهر اليومي

Hello Readers,
today’s look is a little bit dark and edgy yet keeps you warm in this lovely weather
مرحبا قرائي
مظهر اليوم غامق مع لمسة جريئة ليحميكم من البرد في هذا الجو اللطيف

shirt, jeans, denim, fashion, trend, men, trends, daily look, menswear

Shirt | القميص : Topman

Jeans |الجينز : Zara

Jacket | الجاكيت : Pull & Bear

Shoes | الحذاء : Debenhams

Cheerioz سلام

Top 5 Dressed Men in 2013

What’s Up everyone,

I have made a small list of the best dressed men in 2013 according to what I have seen online, between events and street style or just random pictures so let’s start.

5-Bradley Cooper (Actor)

I like bradley Cooper as an actor and I love his sense of fashion, he makes it seem so easy when it comes to what he wears,

it is straight forward and there are no strange or mixed colour combinations.

4-Zachary Quinto (Actor)

This guy knows how to carry himself and honestly he is one of the few guys who goes bold with colours and not afraid of mixing and matching, personally I find his style interesting.

3-David Gandy (Model)

one of the people who has an interesting formal style, yet he gives nice casual style

2-Justin Timberlake (Singer)

one of the best dressed guys in the show business and I think a lot of people would agree with me , and one of the few who can jump between casual, smart casual and smart, yet still look stylish and good.

1-Kanye West

I just love his bold choices when it comes to fashion this guy mixes and matches and goes crazy and overboard with fashion without being un easy on the eyes I just personally love his style.

Hope you like my list


أكثر ٥ رجال أناقة في ٢٠١٣

مرحبا جميعا بما ان السنة قد قاربت على الإنتهاء احببت ان اشارككم بمجموعة من اكثر الرجال اناقة في عام ٢٠١٣ و ذلك حسب ما تبعت من حضور للمشاهير في المناسبات و الأفتتاحات و الصور اتمنى ان تعجبكم 5-Bradley Cooper (Actor) | برادلي كوبر -ممثل تعجبني اختيارات برادلي التي نوعا ما كلاسيكية من ناحية الألوان و عدم وجود جرأه كبيره ولكنه دائما يظهر و كأنه أحد العارضين في احد المجلات

4-Zachary Quinto (Actor) | زاكري كوينتو – ممثل هذا الشاب يعلم جيدا كيف يرتدي ملابسه ولا يخاف من الألوان و الجرأه فيها

3-David Gandy (Model) | دايفد غاندي – عارض من الأشخاص الأكثر اناقة برأيي الشخصي و يعلم كيف يرتدي الأزياء بحرفية عالية دون الحاجه للظهور بمظهر غريب

2-Justin Timberlake (Singer) | جستن تيمبرلايك – مغني من الشباب الذين يستطيعون التحول بسرعة من بين المظهر العملي و الرسمي و الألوان او النقشات فهو يقوم بعمل كل هذا و دائما ما يظهر بأفضل مظهر

1-Kanye West (Singer) | كانيي وست – مغني يعجبني في هذا الرجل اختياراته الجريئه و عدم الخوف من ان يقوم بتجربة انواع قماش و نقشات و قصات مع بعضها و هذا ما جعله يحتل المركز الأول

أتمنى ان اعجبتكم القائمة
