حصري : خبر جديد لعشاق لتس بوبكورن في قطر

Let's Popcorn New Logo

شعار لتس بوبكورن الجديد

لتس بوبكورن الكويت آكدت توقيع وكاله شراكة حصرية مع مجموعة بن يوسف القطرية و ذلك كخطوة أولى نحو التوسع في المنطقة

و ذلك لإطلاق مجموعة من المحلات التجارية الخاصة ب “لتس بوبكورن” في قطر

و من المخطط إطلاق مجموعة من المحلات للتس بوبكورن في قطر على نهاية العام الحالي ٢٠١٣

و من الجدير بالذكر أن لتس بوبكورن هي شركة كويتية ١٠٠٪ و تم إفتتاحها في ١١-١١-١١- و حققت نجاح قبل أن يتم الإفتتاح رسميا

و ذلك لجودة الفكرة و تميزها و تميز مستوى التقديم و عدد النكهات و التنوع و الذي تفوق على الأسماء الأجنبية

و ذلك بكل فخر

و نحن كان لنا في السابق مجموعة من الأعمال و التعاونات السابقة و التي نغخر بها

أتمنى للجميع التوفيق إن شاءالله



Exclusive : Good news for “LET’S POPCORN” Lovers in Qatar

Let's Popcorn New Logo

Let’s Popcorn New Logo

Let’s Popcorn – Kuwait”; confirmed that signing an exclusive franchise partnership agreement with the “Bin Yousef Group of CompaniesQatar” to launch a chain of Let’s Popcorn outlets in the state of Qatar.

The popular brand is expected to launch its 1st outlet in Qatar by the end of 2013.

Let’s popcorn which is a 100% Kuwaiti brand , has been a success since day one and that is even before they started production.

and about this partnership , mr fadi faour “let’s popcorn” general manager says  “We are delighted to be partnering with Bin Yousif Group of Companies as the

first step toward Middle EastMarket and then worldwide. Our Franchising & Expansion Plan is managed by dedicated team,

who’s working around the clock to bring Let’s Popcorn experience to various world markers”

personally let’s popcorn is one brand that is dear to my heart as I have been there when it started from scratch,and there has been previous collaborations with them, so best of luck!



Exhibition : Class of Chairs 2013

class of chairs kuwait cap contemporary art platformHello readers,
In every community there are some stereotypical people and in school it is more obvious than other places , you find the original , the fake , the long , the fat , the narcissist and other characteristics that defines people,  and to try and translate that into art could be a little bit hard , what material to use , how direct you can be?
But three talented artists from kuwait did it and called it “Class of Chairs”
Why chairs, some may ask?
First they didn’t choose any chairs they choose the class chairs which in history is the first thing that has been mass produced , with its basic look they choose to define the person who uses it by making each chair as an art piece.
The event that took place in the “contemporary art platform of kuwait – CAP” was nearly a celebration of their success to deliver the idea, you would see it yourself and it would be clear instantly ,
The artworks are designed by
-Aseel Al-Yaqoub
-Jassim Al-Saddah
-Yousef Al-Mehdari

And all three of them are involved in architecture and interior design which reflects perfectly in their work.
Personally I enjoyed it and I would like to say good luck for everyone!

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تحديث : مشروع وست إلم لدعم الفنانين

west elm

مرحبا قرائي،

لمن يتبع مدونتي لفترة الآن ، ستكونون قد قرأتم عن مشروع وست إلم لدعم الفنانين الذي أعلنت عنه سابقا ، فذهبت لأشاهد ماذا يحدث هناك

و استعلم أكثر عما حدث و ما سيحدث

و كما كان مخطط لعمل العرض خلال شهر رمضان المباوك و هذا ما حدث ،

عموما إذا إشتريت إطار للصور أو مجموعة من الإطارات بمجموع ١٥ دينار كويتي ستحصل

على أحد الأعمال المعروضة .

و المشاركين هم

-لميا الصلاحي

-جنا العوضي

-بشاير الشمري

-حصة الكندري

-عليا القبندي

عموما المشاركين أغلبهم طلاب تصميم جرافيكي في الجامعة الأمريكية في الكويت

و يبدو أن لهم مستقبل مشرق.

تمنياتي للجميع بالتوفيق.

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Update : West Elm Artists Collaboration

west elm

Hello Readers ,

so if you have been following my blog for sometime now you would have read the post about the call of artists to participate in the west elm artists collaboration project , which I might add i thought was a lovely idea

and as planned to do it during the “Holy Month of Ramadan” , and since I was at the avenues the other day I thought I might pass to check it out and to give you more details about the process,

basically if you buy frames in the total amount of 15Kds you will get an artwork of your choice framed as well.

although I was hoping to see more artists, but to tell you who the artists were,

-Lamia Al-Salahi

-Jena Al-Awadhi

-Bashayer Al-Shammari

-Hessa Al-Kandari

-Alia Al-Qabandi

basically are most of them bright Graphic Design students at the American University in Kuwait.

so Good Luck for All and hopefully they will all have a brighter future.

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