The orange look


بما ان الدنيا صيف حبيت اختار لون فاتح بنفس الوقت يكون في تباين واضح بالالوان بين البنطلون و التوب الي فوق و بما اني هالفتره مغرم بالجلد البني ، شرايكم بهالتوليفه؟

Since it is summer and i wanted a high contrast and specially that I’m in love with brown leather lately what do you think of this combination.

The orange look


بما ان الدنيا صيف حبيت اختار لون فاتح بنفس الوقت يكون في تباين واضح بالالوان بين البنطلون و التوب الي فوق و بما اني هالفتره مغرم بالجلد البني ، شرايكم بهالتوليفه؟

Since it is summer and i wanted a high contrast and specially that I’m in love with brown leather lately what do you think of this combination.

التقشير بالملح او السكر


تقشير الملح أو السكر
هاذا افضل تقشير عموما للبشرة الجافه و عموما في محلات العنايه بالبشرة يعتبر التقشير من العمليات المكلفه و حتى شراء منتجات التقشير الجيده و المصنوعه من مواد طبيعيه قد تكون مكلفه،
ولكن يمكن عمل هاذا المقشر من ادوات متوفره بالمنزل.

١- ملح او سكر من المنتجات المنزليه و اذا كانت بشرتكم حساسه قد يعجبكم السكر الاسمر .
٢- يوضع القليل من زيت الزيتون الدافيء او زيت جوز الهند ” افضله انا شخصيا”

٣- يتم خلط الزيت و الملح او السكر معا ليشكلو عجينه ” ٣ اكواب سكر مقابل ١ كوب زيت”

٤- يتم وضع الخليط على قطعة قماش و تحرك بشكل دائري على الجلد دون الضغط بشده

٥- يترك الخليط لمده قليله ٥ دقائق

٦ – يشطف بماء فاتر حتى تغلق المسامات

و انتظرو مده قبل وضع الماكياج او اي مواد كيميائيه على البشره حتى تغلق المسامات

صراحه الطريقة عجيبه و مع التكرار نتايجها مو طبيعيه.

قولولي اذا عجبتكم ولا لأ


First 2 Days Visit to Kuwait…

Hello readers,
Now I noticed that there are few visitors from outside kuwait , so I thought of dedicating this post to them,
let’s say that you want to visit kuwait for the weekend, or to do some work or whatever the situation might be…
unless you are coming from KSA , you would notice a big difference from where you are coming from.
of course decency is required.
yet I have noticed that A lot of pepole who visits Kuwait for the first time doesn’t know how to enjoy their time.
because either people wouldn’t tell you or you don’t know what to expect.

First , Alcohol and Night Clubs or discos are forbidden in here by law.
so most of the people who would be searching for the night life… would be disappointed.
now what can you do?

1- Scientific Center – Kuwait

the center offers three section, the kids section, it’s a place for kids to develop their abilities …
as for the adults , there is the aquarium which is fascinating for both adults and kids
and there is as well the IMAX Cinema for educational movies.
the place in general is really nice and personally i enjoy going there from time to time, and take the people who have never
been to kuwait or to the center before.

know more at

Door To The Road
A Door to the Sea The View
Under The Sea

2-The Avenues
Now if you are a shopaholic this is the place for you, if you love food and good restaurants it is also the place for you.
considered the biggest mall in kuwait with more than 800 stores , I’m sure you would find something that you or your family would like.
with play area for kids, dining , fine dining and clothes as well as designer clothes you will leave completely satisfied.

the avenues is located on the fifth ring road.


avenues - the_avenues_kuwait_g081209_4

avenues - The-Avenues02

3-Rent a boat, cruise the sea
you can rent a boat from the Yacht Club in kuwait , they offer two options … the sea cruise and
the boat with a sailor , depends on what you prefer.
the cruise lasts for about 15 minutes , the boat rental could last for a day.

the Yacht Club is located on the Gulf Road.
For more information call: 25656741-25651979

4-Kuwaits Ice Rink
It is located as part of the Green Fence area in Kuwait City, considered the place to spend practicing the ice skating sport for those who loves it, and usually offers other activities, such as rentals for groups, or February festivals in kuwait.




For more information you can visit :

5-Kuwait Towers
the landmark of kuwait, the three towers offers three things the first is the rotating sphere with a coffee shop and kuwait souvenirs
and a nice panoramic view of kuwait city.
and the other is the towers intercontinental restaurant “The ‛Horizon Restaurant’ (Ofok Hall)” with daily new menu.
and a ball room , “dasman ball room ” for events.



the Arabian Gulf Road in Sharq district.

Now I hope I covered the Main things, I will be adding more whenever I can, so if you have visited those places you would be able to visit and know more.

Fast Food Resturants in Kuwait Customer Service Quality

Hello Readers
NEVER EVER EVVVVERR Mess with me when it comes to food.



I have ordered from Burger King Delivery service, I’m usually a person who cares about customer service, and the quality more than the
other things, and HONESTLY speaking, Burger King has the fastest delivery service in Kuwait comparing to other fast food chains.
but , when your orders comes missing , and they stall you for 1 hour or more that drives you MAD.

Few Days Ago,


I wasn’t feeling like leaving the building for lunch break so I went to have a salad from Subway , Salem iL Mubarak – Salma center branch
although I entered the place and noticed some flies around I didn’t pay much attention, since usually such things gets in from the weather.
but AFTER I took my order and went back to the office I opened the salad box and noticed a fly … now I thought this one was in the office earlier.
but when I looked again I noticed another one in the salad DEAD. :S
of course when I returned to them they didn’t want to be cooperative until I mentioned the “Consumer Protection”.
the only thing they did was return my money … of course I want them to pay more attention to their restaurant hygiene.

before that


I ordered Hardee’s in the office and when I opened it … I found out a HAIR , YES PEOPLE A FREAKING HAIR IN MY SANDWICH…
and when I called the customer service center they were so calm and didn’t do much about it, ALL I ASKED FOR was a refund… and those who reads this post knows what the “Consumer Protection” would do in kuwait.



yeah so, one of my friends the other day suggested a mcdonalds breakfast, she went to “Aknan Building Branch” to get the order, reached the office…of course this is a time waste…for her and for us..and when we ALL OPENED OUR SANDWICHES they turned out to be BUNS only..
when I returned it to the manager there she was lost in translation , not knowing anything and didn’t even suggest a solution for my problem.


Kentucky Fried Chicken…
oh there is nothing to say here… I think you all know.
let’s just say their invoice is a “SICK LEAVE”

مطاعم الوجبات السريعه و خدماتهم

قرائي الأعزاء
طبعا يمكن استحمل وايد اشياء و اطوف وايد من الامور بس انا ضد الغشمره في موضوع الأكل.
فعموما قررت اكتب عن الخدمات السيئه لمطاعم الوجبات السريعه بالكويت.



طلبت بيرجر كنج طبعا وصل الطلب ناقص سندويتش و بعد ساعه تقريبا تذكروا مشكلتي ، انا ضد مبدأ الطلب الناقص لان ما تدري شنو ظرف الشخص الي طالب و صراحه انا اطلب من هالمطعم لان فعليا هوه الاسرع في خدمة التوصيل.



كنت بالمكتب و قررت اني ما اخذ بريك و حبيت انزل اخذ من فرع صبواي الي بالمبنى “شارع سالم المبارك مقابل الجامعه الامريكيه” و دخلت بس كان في ذبان بالمكان ر ما حطيت ببالي الدنيا حر و عاده لمن الباب يكون مفتوح يدشون … طلبت و طلعت المكتب و فتحت السلطه و اذ بذبانه تطير بالمكتب و فكرتها من المكتب عموما و لما دققت بالسلطه لقيت وحده ميته ، اي ذبانه ميته بالسلطه دليل على قلة النظافة و قلة الاهتمام بالفرع و الموظفين ما كانو متعاونين و بس ردولو فلوسي مع العلم انهم ما كانو يبون يردونهم بالاول الا لمن هددتهم بحماية المستهلك.

و قبله بجم يوم


طلبنا هارديز و وصل الطلب فيه شعره، نعم شعره طويله و مصبوغه شي يسد النفس.
طبعا اتصلت عالمطعم و سويت سالفه ويالله يالله بس ردولي فلوسي و كانو يبون ييبون طلب ثاني ، طبعا ردة فعلي كانت بسيطه ، المطبخ الوسخ راح يظل وسخ.



وحده من الموظفات حبت تييب مكدونالدز حق الفطور و لمن ردت و بطلنا الاكل كان عباره عن خبز فقط ولا شيء الا الخبز لجميع السندويتشات.
ولمن خذيتهم شخصيا و رديتهم حق المديرة جنها ما تدري و تبي تطلعني غلطان طبعا الفاتوره ما تجذب. و ما كانت تبي تبدلهم او تر الفلوس و بالنهايه وصلنا لتبديل السندويتشات.



بإختصار مو لازم اقول بس خل نقول اذا يبت الفاتوره تعتبر “عذر طبي”

يا جماعه علقوا خل هالناس يهتمو بالخدمات العامه الي يقدمونها.
